Joliet Plan Commission Recommends NorthPoint to City Council

Just Say No to NorthPoint Remains Committed to Stopping Compass Business Park

Overwhelming opposition turned out for the late afternoon meeting.

After nearly three hours, the Joliet Plan Commission voted unanimously to recommend NorthPoint Development’s Compass Business Park — but not before John Dillon took a moment to ask the City Attorney if the illegal annexation concerns that were brought up were true. City Attorney Regis confirmed that yes, they would be problematic. Then they all cast their ayes, as we knew they would. 

We are undeterred by the fully-anticipated unanimous plan commission decision to recommend Compass Business Park to city council.

Tonight, we saw the plan commission recommend illegal annexation, an incomplete, undetailed application, and an agreement that tries to dictate what should happen with property already in the Village of Elwood’s jurisdiction. These are all things that should not only be an embarrassment to the city of Joliet, and they are things that can easily be challenged both legally and otherwise. 

As you will recall, Elwood’s plan commission passed the proposal a couple years ago, only for it to be defeated. We are confident that we will prevail at Joliet City Council March 17th just as we did in Elwood as our movement continues to grow. Thank you to everyone who stands with us in opposition to NorthPoint’s Compass Business Park.

Did you miss the meeting? You can watch it on Joliet TV’s YouTube channel below:

Recent Press on the vote can be found here:

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  1. With so many organizations, government entities, schools and constituents against this project I cannot believe Joliet is even entertaining the idea. I hope PI decides to do pro bono work to investigate the finances of every single person involved.

  2. So less than a year ago O’Dekirk went of record that this project was bad and we did not have the infrastructure for it. Now all of a sudden it’s a great deal?!? Follow the money 🤑🤮🤑🤮🤑🤮

  3. Joliet City Council is a mess! It took them 8 months to find a city man manager for a year term, then decided not to pick either candidate. It is time for Joliet to listen to the constituents and VOTE NO!

  4. Something worth noting, Mayor Jenco of Elwood asked the city of Joliet for a boundary agreement extension. Mr Jones and Mr Odekirk stated that it would not be considered until after the comprehensive plan was completed. Well no comprehensive plan has been completed and the City is moving forward. What happened to waiting until it is done? Kudos to those elected officials who actually listen to their constituents like Mayor Jenco. Shame on the Mayor of Manhattan for not following suit as his community doesn’t want this either. It is very obvious that the City of Joliet is seduced by empty promises and greed, not what is best for their constituents or their neighbors.

  5. I cannot handle the fact that a town I do not even live in (chose specifically not to) is deciding my town’s fate. The truck traffic is absolutely ridiculous in this area. It is sad and it is disgusting. Joliet will forever be known as the toilet of Illinois. The city knows how to keep it’s reputation, that is for sure, and now it is spreading into surrounding communities. Just Say No Already!

  6. Why are people who live no where near the immediate area this monstrosity will be built making the decisions? I am sure if this were being built a mile from their children’s elementary schools or in their subdivision they’d think again! This isn’t about them and what they want this should be about what is best for our communities and Northpoint is certainly only going to lower property values and created many many issues for Will County on so many levels.

  7. The deception of this company has been proven many times. Empty promises. Northpoint would bring nothing but destruction to Will County. Joliet needs to do the responsible thing for residents of this area and vote NO!

  8. I am hoping and praying majority of Joliet Council votes “No” for this project. I cannot believe it’s even being considered at this point in time. There is no Plan B. It’s fair a bridge, it’s a concept bridge. It doesn’t exist. NorthPoint is NOT a good neighbor. It is a company that continues to pin towns against each other. NP has not seen this much resistance from any other project. Take a hint NP, go back to Kansas.
    People keep showing up to the meetings, writing your emails, making some phone calls, meeting with officials, spreading the word to family and friends, and keep fighting for our community. We are worth it!

  9. So the planning and zoning board approved an ILLEGAL annexation, even after they were told by their own lawyer that the annexation was problematic. Illegal, immoral, unethical people.

  10. The Plan Commission looked like fools during that meeting. It appeared NO ONE read the proposed agreement or did any research themselves based on the few flimsy questions asked by the commission members. Fools! Pawns! All of them!

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