
“A Good Neighbor” Documentary
University of DePaul film student Jimmy Haley created this documentary about our fight for our community. Watch and learn what we have accomplished thus far. Thank you to Jimmy for creating this excellent video showcasing our efforts.

Manhattan Community Information Session

Held 2/3/2018 at Wilson Creek Elementary School in Manhattan

Did you miss the Elwood Planning & Zoning Commission’s Public Hearings?

Click each date to watch the videos on YouTube.

Watch Erin Gallagher’s knockout presentation on YouTube, which shows what she dug up in her visit to Kansas (where NorthPoint Development has its pride and joy, Logistics Park Kansas City).

You can see more of what Erin dug up on her trip to Kansas by visiting our “investigation” page.

State Representative Larry Walsh Jr. testifies at Elwood Planning & Zoning Hearing in January 2018
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