News broke mid-day Friday, May 3, 2019 with a press release by the Village of Manhattan. Officials announcing that they are in the preliminary stages of working with NorthPoint Development. The Village posted the notice to their Facebook page and to their website. Individuals can access information on the project as released by the village. Officials advised the portal will be similar to the one that exists on the county website.
Manhattan residents need to stay vigilant and vocal in their opposition to any project proposed by NorthPoint Development. Currently, a boundary agreement is in place with both the Village of Elwood and the City of Joliet.
This is clearly a desperate move by NorthPoint Development. The developer faced vehement opposition in the Village of Elwood and by both the Manhattan and Jackson townships. Both the Village of Elwood and the Village of Manhattan issued formal objections to the project presented to the County. The Elwood Fire Protection District, Jackson Township, Manhattan Township, Elwood School District, and Manhattan School District have all issued objections to the project.
NorthPoint’s application with Will County remains at a stand-still.
No to NorthPoint issued a statement to news media regarding the update. “It’s clear that NorthPoint Development is beyond desperate by approaching Manhattan, who NorthPoint previously disrespected on multiple occasions. It’s embarrassing. We are looking forward to Manhattan officials keeping their integrity and campaign promises by opposing NorthPoint development. We also appreciate the transparency surrounding the conversation — but we do believe it’s a conversation they don’t need to have.”
Yard signs are available (while supplies last). You can request one through our public Facebook page. Our group will be circulating a petition in person. We do not currently have any active online petitions.
Manhattan residents should reach out to Manhattan elected officials and the mayor to express their opposition to the project. Officials can be reached by phone at (815) 418-2100 or by email.
Mayor Jamie Doyle:
Trustee Mike Naughton:
Trustee Tom Doyle:
Trustee Erin McDonough:
Trustee Dave Beemsterboer:
Trustee Tom Biscan:
Trustee Bob Dilling:
The press release issued by the village is available below: