Calling All Farm & Military Vehicles
Join Will County farmers and veterans who oppose the 30k MORE trucks every day ~ plus ~ an additional 32k employee cars in the area of Route 53 in Elwood that will certainly impact not only farming operations countywide, but also Abe Lincoln Cemetery Funeral processions! Our parade will demonstrate the size and slow speed of our vehicles, so combines and larger equipment are encouraged, but not required. The issue goes before the Elwood Planning & Zoning Commission on 1/11/18 at 7 p.m. for its first vote toward creating a trucking facility 3x the size of Midway Airport!
Download a copy of our flyer here and share it with your friends who would like to participate
THE TIME IS NOW! Line up along Mississippi Rd at Chicago Rd (Jackson Twsp) at 11:30 a.m., parade starts at noon, heading south on 53, then east on Hoff, then north on Ridge, then west on Manhattan/Arsenal, then south on 53, then headhome. The public and all vehicles are welcome. RSVP to Erin Gallagher at 815-641-7760 or