Will County Executive Larry Walsh, Sr. Issues Statement Urging Joliet to Say NO to NorthPoint

Will County Executive Larry Walsh, Sr. issues a strong statement urging Joliet to oppose NorthPoint Development and allow proper planning to take place. Read the letter below — thank you, Larry Walsh, Sr. for your unwavering support!

Read the Joliet Herald News article here…

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  1. Beautifully written!! Thank you so much for voicing your opposition to this terrible project! We need every voice we can get!!

    Thanks so much Mr. Walsh!!!

  2. Great letter but the players in the Moving Will County group appear to be all the usual groups plus some outside planning people from Indiana, the Lakota Group. Where are the people from No to Northpoint, or folks associated with justice for warehouse workers or a voice for unincorporated areas like Ingalls Park? I really appreciate Walsh making this statement.

  3. I’m grateful for every politician who stands with the people and voices concerns about this project. The fact that Joliet is trying to rush this enormous, complex project through is a huge red flag! I wouldn’t buy a car without knowing what it would cost. Why sign up for this without taking the time to determine the true cost?

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